 您现在的位置:Fun书 > 一本书看遍世界名校---边学英语边了解世界一流大学,让你从此迈上通往世界顶级学府的第一步!


作  者:高尚秀,梁威 编译

出 版 社:中国时代经济出版社


定  价:36.00

I S B N :9787511909985

所属分类: 教育学习  >  中小学用书  >  出国留学指南    

标  签:出国留学指南  中小学教辅  






第一章 哈佛大学——博学、典雅的学术殿堂
第二章 牛津大学——承载英国的历史
第三章 斯坦福大学——俏皮的顽童
第四章 北京大学——兼容并包,思想自由
第五章 香港大学——华人地区最国际化的学校
第六章 清华大学——自强不息,厚德载物
第七章 耶鲁大学——美国人文之父
第八章 曼彻斯特大学——****的红砖大学
第九章 康奈尔大学——最美的学府
第十章 爱丁堡大学——勇士之心
第十一章 加州理工大学——袖珍的公主
第十二章 东京大学——日本的顶级名校
第十三章 京都大学——自由之心
第十四章 伦敦大学学院——平等之心
第十五章 澳大利亚国立大学——南半球的学术殿堂
第十六章 普林斯顿大学——美国政治家的摇篮
第十七章 剑桥大学——剑河中畅望最古老的大学
第十八章 多伦多大学——加拿大最古老的大学
第十九章 圣彼得堡国立大学——独一无二的大学
第二十章 柏林洪堡大学——现代大学之母
第二十一章 杜克大学——仁爱之心
第二十二章 麦吉尔大学——加拿大的哈佛


第一章 哈佛大学—博学、典雅的学术殿堂

2. About Harvard University  认识哈佛
●History of Harvard University 追根溯源
Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was named after the College’s .rst benefactor, the young minister John Harvard. Upon his death in 1638, the young minister left his library and half his estate to the institution. A statue of John Harvard stands today in front of University Hall in Harvard Yard, and is perhaps the University’s best known landmark.
In addition to two undergraduate colleges, Harvard College and Radcliffe College, Harvard University has 11 graduate schools. Now the University has grown from nine students with a single master to an enrollment of more than 20,000 degree candidates including undergraduate, graduate. There are more than 360,000 alumni2 living in the U.S. and other countries in the world.
●Landmarks of Harvard University 哈佛地标
The statue of Harvard is regarded as one of the four famous statues in U.S. and the others are the statue of liberty in New York, the memorial statue of Lincoln in Washington , the statue of Franklin in Philadelphia.
Three Lies 三大谎言
Through a wide variety of the bookstores and cafes in "Harvard square", you can see a great architecture built with grey granite. This is the administration building of Harvard University, in front of which stands a bronze statue. He is the minister John Harvard, one fateful body to become the leader of the Harvard. With bright eyes, he looks handsome, angular and gentle. His right hand presses an open bible3, and his legs extend with the left foot slightly putting out the base. The peculiarities is the dark brown shoes with shiny toe and all its former Harvard admirers, without exception, would touch his left foot. It is said that the people who touch the foot can pass the examination and all wishes come true. Inadvertently standing religious "a Century’s Caress", Harvard is still staring deeply this land, which is full of passion and dreams, and gives birth to ideals and legends.
The three lines are engraved on the base of the statue, but they are well known as Harvard three lies. The .rst line is "John Harvard", the following line is the "founder" and the third line is "1638". At .rst glance, no matter whoever will understand "in the 1638 Harvard himself founded Harvard University." In fact, these three simple statements actually don’t match the facts!
First, the statue was not built according to the true appearance of Harvard,because John Harvard was dead prematurely4 and did not leave any portraits or any heirs. The sculptor just selected a handsome student to be the model and adopted Puritan dress in the 17th century. Then .nished this Harvard statue in high spirits today. In other words, this portrait is just a stand-in for Harvard.
Second, John Harvard is just the donor of the university and not the founder as written on the base. Third, Harvard University was built in 1636 not in 1638,which was written on the statue.
Obviously, the statue of Harvard has made a sort of joke with people, but it also occasionally been parodied. It is said that a group of students who rode the night, dressed the Harvard statue as a super-warrior in the game. Under the tinker of them,the old Harvard in the helmet of the protagonist in the game,with arm relying on a machine gun, sat "solemnly" for a whole night . From this,we can see the humor of history,perhaps just this interaction across time and space greatly reduces the distance between Harvard and people.
Although the statue of Harvard has“lied”,the three lies do not forbid people from accepting it. It seems that truths and lies will not stand in the mutually exclusive opposition in the distant past and future , but rather two sides of a coin,which keep tips of the people to make deep speculation about yesterday and today,past and future.
3. Notable People from Harvard University  哈佛名人录
●Catherine Drew Gilpin Faust 凯瑟琳?德鲁?吉尔平?福斯特

TOP 其它信息

装  帧:平装

页  数:307

开  本:16开

纸  张:胶版纸
