 您现在的位置:Fun书 > 70年中国教育的对外开放:中国国际教育发展报告


作  者:北京外国语大学国际教育研究院

出 版 社:华东师范大学出版社


定  价:68.00

I S B N :9787567598379

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教育学    

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第一章 中国国际教育的发展建构11
一、 国际教育的内涵13
二、 中国国际教育的发端15
三、 改革开放以来中国国际教育发展历程16
四、 中国国际教育国家立法和重要文件23
Chapter 1
Construction of Development of China's International Education31 Section 1.1 Definition of International Education33
Section 1.2 The Beginning of China's International Education36
Section 1.3 The Development of China's International Education Since Reform
and Openingup36
Section 1.4 National Legislation and Important Documents of China's International

第二章 中国国际教育的出国留学59
一、 出国留学的发端61
二、 改革开放以来出国留学历史进程61
三、 出国留学整体特点65
四、 出国留学案例分析——以北京外国语大学“探索国际组织需要的复合型人才培养模式”为例66
Chapter 2
Studying Abroad in China's International Education69 Section 2.1 Origin of Studying Abroad71
Section 2.2 History of Studying Abroad71
Section 2.3 Overall Characteristics of Studying Abroad77
Section 2.4 A Case Study of Studying Abroad — Taking Beijing Foreign Studies
University as an Example of Exploring the Model of Compound Talents
Needed by International Organizations78

第三章 中国国际教育的来华留学81
一、 来华留学的发端83
二、 改革开放以来来华留学历史进程83
三、 来华留学整体特点89
四、 来华留学案例分析——以陕西省来华留学教育工作为例90
Chapter 3
Study in China: A Crucial Part of China's International Education93 Section 3.1 Origin95
Section 3.2 Historical Development Since Reform and Openingup96
Section 3.3 Major Characteristics104
Section 3.4 Case Analysis: Taking Shaanxi Province as an Example106

第四章 中国国际教育的中外合作办学109
一、 中外合作办学的发端111
二、 改革开放以来中外合作办学历史进程111
三、 中外合作办学发展现状115
四、 中外合作办学案例分析——以西交利物浦大学为例117
Chapter 4
Chineseforeign Cooperation in Running Schools of China's International
Education121 Section 4.1 The Inception of Chineseforeign Cooperation in Education123
Section 4.2 The History of Chineseforeign Cooperation in Running Schools Since
Reform and Openingup124
Section 4.3 Current Development of Chineseforeign Cooperation in Running Schools129
Section 4.4 Case Study of Chineseforeign Cooperation in Running Schools
— With Xi'an JiaotongLiverpool as an Example132

第五章 中国国际教育的境外办学135
一、 境外办学历史进程137
二、 境外办学发展现状139
三、 境外办学案例分析——以大连海事大学斯里兰卡校区为例140
Chapter 5
Overseas School Startup of China's International Education143 Section 5.1 Historical Development of Overseas Education145
Section 5.2 Current Situations of China's Overseas Education149
Section 5.3 Real Case Study — Dalian Maritime University (Sri Lanka Campus) 150

第六章 中国国际教育的中外人文交流153
一、 中外人文交流的发端155
二、 改革开放以来中外人文交流历史进程155
三、 中外人文交流发展现状158
四、 中外人文交流案例分析——以中美人文交流高层磋商机制为例159
Chapter 6
Peopletopeople and Cultural Exchanges of China's International
Education with the World163 Section 6.1 Origin of China's Peopletopeople and Cultural Exchanges with the
Section 6.2 The Historical Development of China's Peopletopeople and Cultural
Exchange with the World Since Reform and Openingup165
Section 6.3 Current Situation of China's Peopletopeople and Cultural Exchanges170
Section 6.4 Case Analysis of Peopletopeople and Cultural Exchanges
— Example of ChinaUS Highlevel Consultation Mechanism171

第七章 中国国际教育的双边与多边国际合作与交流175
一、 双边国际合作与交流基本情况177
二、 多边国际合作与交流基本情况183
三、 双边与多边国际合作与交流案例分析——以《亚洲和太平洋地区承认高等教育学历、文凭与学位的地区公约》为例190
Chapter 7
Bilateral and Multilateral International Cooperation and Exchanges in
China's International Education193 Section 7.1 Bilateral International Cooperation and Exchanges195
Section 7.2 Multilateral International Cooperation and Exchanges206
Section 7.3 A Case Study of Bilateral and Multilateral International Cooperation and
Exchanges — Regional Convention for the Recognition of Higher Education
Certificates, Diplomas and Degrees in Asia and the Pacific217

第八章 中国国际教育的“一带一路”教育行动219
一、 提出背景221
二、 文件依据——《推进共建“一带一路”教育行动》222
三、 落实情况224
Chapter 8
Actions on Promoting the Belt and Road Initiative in China's International
Education227 Section 8.1 The Context and Background of the Belt and Road Initiative Actions229
Section 8.2 The Document — Education Action on Promoting the Belt and Road
Section 8.3 The Implementation Status of the Action Plans235

第九章 中国国际教育的宏观管理239
一、 中国教育部国际合作与交流司241
二、 中国教育部留学服务中心247
三、 国家留学管理基金委员会249
四、 中国联合国教科文组织全国委员会253
五、 中国教育国际交流协会255
六、 孔子学院总部(国家汉办)257
Chapter 9
Macro Management of China's International Education259 Section 9.1 Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges (Office of Hong
Kong, Macao and Taiwan Affairs)261
Section 9.2 Chinese Service Centre for Scholarly Exchange270
Section 9.3 China Scholarship Council273
Section 9.4 National Commission of the People's Republic of China for UNESCO278
Section 9.5 Chinese Association for International Understanding281
Section 9.6 Confucius Institute Headquarters (Hanban)284

第十章 中国国际教育的基本经验与启示287
一、 坚持中国特色社会主义的教育发展道路为我国教育对外开放事业的基本
二、 坚持以服务国家经济社会建设和教育改革发展为根本动力289
三、 坚持以服务国际国内两个大局,以“引进来”和“走出去”相结合为基本途径289
四、 坚持以培养优秀人才为我国教育对外开放的核心任务290
五、 坚持以法律法规政策为我国教育对外开放的重要推动和坚实保障290
Chapter 10
The Experience and Implication of China's International Education293 Section 10.1 Adhering to the Educational Development Path of Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics as the Basic Guiding Ideology for the Openingup of
Education in China295
Section 10.2 Adhering to Serving the Country's Economic and Social Construction and
Education Reform and Development as the Fundamental Driving Force295
Section 10.3 Adhering to Serving Both the International and Domestic Plans, Using
a Combination of “Introducing In” and “Reaching Out” as the Basic
Section 10.4 Adhering to the Cultivation of Outstanding Talents as the Core Task of
Opening up China's Education to the Outside World296
Section 10.5 Adhering to Laws, Regulations and Policies as the Solid Guarantee for
the Openingup and Promotion of China's Education297

第十一章 中国国际教育前沿研究综述299
一、 国际教育重要性与反思301
二、 国际教育世界趋势302
三、 国际教育战略分析与借鉴304
四、 中国国际教育政策研究305
五、 中国国际教育发展探索308
Chapter 11
A Literature Review on China's International Education313 Section 11.1 The Importance and Reflection of International Education315
Section 11.2 The World Trends of International Education317
Section 11.3 Analysis and References of International Education Strategy319
Section 11.4 Research on China's International Education Policy321
Section 11.5 Exploration of the Development of China's International Education325



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页  数:360

印  次:1

版  次:1

开  本:16开

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