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跨文化美术史年鉴1: 一个故事的两种讲法

跨文化美术史年鉴1: 一个故事的两种讲法

作  者:李军

出 版 社:山东美术出版社


定  价:128.00

I S B N :9787533075859

所属分类: 艺术  >  艺术史论  >  艺术理论    

标  签:











Introduction: Why Could a Story Always be Told in Two Ways?

方法论视野 Methodological Perspective

17   从图像的重影看跨文化美术史    李军

Understanding Transcultural History of Art from the Perspective of Images

Doubles 43  “从东方升起的天使”:一个故事的两种讲法    李军

“The Angel Rising from the Orient”: A Story Told in Two Ways 81   亵渎还是承恩:14 世纪《耶稣受难图》中的蒙古人形象再议    郑伊看

Blaspheming or Receiving Grace: Revisiting the Image of the Mongol in a 14th

Century Crucifixion 97  “史实为体 , 西图为用”:《平定准噶尔回部得胜图》新探    杨迪

Historical Text Aided with Western Painting Technique: A Further Study on

Conquêtes de lEmpereur de la Chine



装饰、器物与物质文化 Ornament, Object, and Material Culture

125   从中国莲花到石榴型图案:15 世纪意大利纺织品设计的东方来源   石榴

From Chinese Lotus to“Pomegranate Motif”: The Oriental Origin of Italian

Textile Design in the 15th Century 169   麦森瓷“蓝色洋葱”图案的前世今生    李璠

Past and Present of the“Blue Onion”Pattern of Meissen Porcelain    205   印度花卉?德国花卉?——18 世纪麦森瓷器花卉图案研究    王婧博

Indian Flower? German Flower? —A Study of the Floral Patterns of Meissen

Porcelain in the 18th Century 253   跨文化视野下看“绘画中的装饰性”:庞薰琹眼中的波提切利    杨肖

Viewing“the Décoratif in Painting”in a Transcultural Perspective: Botticelli

in Pang Xunqins Eye

大书小书 Book Reviews

263   贴近细节的美术史——评《伊斯兰中国风 : 蒙古伊朗的艺术》   吴天跃

An Art History Scrutinizing the Details: A Book Review of I slamic Chinoiserie:

The Art of Mongol Iran 273  《伊斯兰中国风:蒙古伊朗的艺术》内容概览    李璠

An Overview of Islamic Chinoiserie: The Art of Mongol Iran

目  录


291   中国的犁耕皇帝:欧洲启蒙运动中新统治思想的示范    [ 德 ] 苏珊·里希特/文、


The Plowing Emperors of China: Examples of a New Conception of Rule in the

Enlightenment in Europe

旧典新文 Translated Articles

313   中国绘画之于 14 世纪意大利绘画的影响    [ 俄 ] 普辛纳/文、刘爽/译

The Chinese Influence on the Trecento Italian Painting 341   元朝时期中亚丝绸设计的本土元素及其对意大利哥特式丝绸的影响   [美] 安妮·沃


Indigenous Elements in Central Asian Silk Designs of the Mongol Period, and

Their Impact on Italian Gothic Silks 355   斯亚·加拉姆与龚开:一位伊斯坦布尔的册页画师与一位元代的中国画家    [美] 夏


Siyah Qalem and Gong Kai: An Istanbul Album Painter and a Chinese Painter

of the Mongolian Period 371   寻找失乐园:论喜龙仁的中国园林艺术研究    [ 瑞典 ] 米娜·托玛/文、李璠/译

In Search of Paradise Lost: Osvald Siréns Scholarship on Garden Art

现场 Dialogues and Reports


387   学术转化为艺术 ——独家解读湘博展“在最遥远的地方寻找故乡:13-16 世纪中

国与意大利的跨文化交流”    李军  潘桑柔

Transforming Knowledge into Art—An Exclusive Interpretation of the

Exhibition Finding a Homeland at the End of the World: The Trans-cultural

Exchanges and Interactions Between China and Italy from the 13th to the

16th Century Hosted by Hunan Museum 405   解读国博展“无问西东:从丝绸之路到文艺复兴”的三把钥匙    李军 潘桑柔

Three Keys for Interpreting the Exhibition Embracing the Orient and the

Occident: When the Silk Road Meets the Renaissance Hosted by National

Museum of China


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