Q1 2023: BookDao’s Nonfiction Book List from the Most Recommended Books
By | 2023/4/28 10:00:00
The Most Recommended Books is a term BookDao uses to indicate books that are worth reading. Through our data processing tools, the book lists are formed by professional readers’ collective opinions, rather than sales figures. For approach and methodology, see What Is a Good Book. BookDao’s nonfiction category contains popular works from Chinese domestic market (original) and overseas (imported). This book list includes 100 nonfiction titles published in Q1 2023. There are 43 imported titles, accounted for 43%, and they come from 10 different countries. The top three titles are: A Century of Chinese Character Rescues by Amarican writer Thomas S. Mullaney, Salt Town by Yi Xiaohe, and AIGC: The Era of Intelligent Creation by Duyu and Zhang Ziming. Find details of Top 100 Nonfiction books in table below.
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