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作  者:[英]罗杰·哈格里维斯 著

译  者:马爱农

出 版 社:童趣出版有限公司


定  价:238.00

I S B N :9787115415028


标  签:少儿英语  双语读物  童书  



TOP好评推荐   [展开]



















1 不可能先生和寻找复活节彩蛋

MR.IMPOSSIBLE and the Easter Egg Hunt

2 在公园里

At the Park

3 去游泳

Go Swimming

4 假日里

On Holiday

5 在伦敦

In London

6 公主小姐和特别派对

LITTLE MISS PRINCESS and the Very Special Party

7 芭蕾演出

Ballet Show

8 月球之旅

Trip to the Moon

9 运动会

Sports Day

10 重大比赛

The Big Match

11 橄榄球比赛

THE Rugby Match

12 牙仙子

The Tooth Fairy

13 挠痒痒先生和惊悚万圣节

MR.TICKLE and the Scary Halloween

14 圣诞前夜

The Night Before Christmas

15 噪音先生和平安夜

MR. NOISY and the Silent Night

16 见到圣诞老人

Meet Father Christmas

17 12个圣诞日

12 Days of Christmas

18 白色圣诞节

A White Christmas

19 圣诞童话剧

A Christmas Pantomime

20 圣诞派对

The Christmas Party


《假日里 On Holiday》

Little Miss Sunshine felt very sorry for Little Miss Scatterbrain when she heard about her holiday. You see, last year Little Miss Scatterbrain went on a summer holiday. But being the scatterbrained person she is she went to the North Pole! It was a bit chilly for swimming. Not really a summer holiday.

So this year, Little Miss Sunshine decided to organize Little Miss Scatterbrain’s summer holiday for her. And to make it really fun she invited along lots of Little Miss Scatterbrain’s friends as well. 

阳光小姐听说糊涂小姐要去度假, 非常担心。事情是这样的, 去年夏天糊涂小姐去度假。可是, 她这个人糊里糊涂的, 竟然去了北极!在那儿游泳可是有点儿冷呢。简直算不上是在度暑假。



《公主小姐和特别派对 LITTLE MISS PRINCESS and the Very Special Party》

Little Miss Helpful had heard it was a very special occasion. It was a Royal occasion. A Royal occasion that called for a big party. A very big party. The sort of party that would fill a whole street. A street party. And Little Miss Princess would be the guest of honour!

Little Miss Helpful set about organising the party. But as you may, or may not, know Little Miss Helpful is not as helpful as her name would suggest. For, as hard as Little Miss Helpful tries to be helpful the more unhelpful she becomes. 




《芭蕾演出 Ballet Show》

It will come as no surprise if I tell you that Little Miss Somersault was good at somersaults. But somersaults were not all that Little Miss Somersault was good at. She was also good at ballet. She loved to dance. She knew all the ballet positions. She was so elegant and graceful.

Which I am afraid cannot be said for Little Miss Whoops. She also loved to dance, but she was not elegant. And she was not graceful! Poor Little Miss Whoops, how she wished she could dance in a real ballet. 




《月球之旅 Trip to the Moon》

One day Mr Nonsense was reading the Nonsenseland Times when he had the idea of going to the moon. “Well, if a cow can jump over it then it can’t be too hard to get to,” he announced to no one in particular.

Later that day he mentioned the idea to Mr Greedy. Mr Greedy thought it was an excellent plan. “I hear the moon’s made of cheese,” he said, licking

his lips. “I like cheese.” But Mr Greedy did put Mr Nonsense straight about one thing. “It’s a very long, long way away.”




《运动会 Sports Day》

Have you ever been to Nonsenseland? In Nonsenseland, the grass is blue and the trees are red. And all the cars have square wheels. Why? Easy! So they don’t roll away when they are parked on a hill. I know, what nonsense!

And in Nonsenseland they hold a sports day every summer. Nothing silly about that I hear you say. Well, you’ll just have to wait and see. 

你去过荒唐王国吗?在荒唐王国,草是蓝的, 树是红的。所有的汽车轮子都是方的。为什么呢?很简单!这样车停在山上时就不会滑下来了。我明白了, 真荒唐!



《重大比赛 The Big Match》

Mr Small was very excited. It was the big football match on Saturday and Mr Small loved football. But there was a problem. Mr Small was … a bit too small.

But Mr Small was determined to play. On Saturday he arrived at the football field all ready to go. He really hoped he’d be picked for the team. 




《牙仙子 The Tooth Fairy》

Little Miss Curious lived in a curious shaped cottage next door to an ordinary shaped cottage. And in the ordinary shaped cottage there lived a little boy called George. George and Little Miss Curious were good friends. They sat out in the garden together under the apple tree and wondered about things.

They wondered about things like, “Why do trees have bark, but don’t go woof?” And things like, “Why do trees have trunks, but they don’t have tusks?” 


他们既好奇:“为什么树有皮,却不能汪汪叫呢?”又好奇:“为什么树干壮如大象,却没有象牙呢? ”


《见到圣诞老人 Meet Father Christmas》

It was Christmas Eve and Little Miss Tiny was excited. And the more she thought about Christmas, the more excited she became. Very, very excited!“I wonder what Father Christmas is doing at this moment,” she thought to herself. “He might be polishing his sleigh … he might be feeding his reindeer… or he might be wrapping presents. He might even be wrapping MY present! I do wish I could visit him and see.”

Just then, she heard somebody outside her mousehole. That’s right, Little Miss Tiny is so tiny she lives in a mousehole, in the skirting board, in the dining room, in Home Farm. It was Mr Daydream.“I was on my way to see Father Christmas,” he said. “Would you like to come along on a Christmas holiday with me?” Little Miss Tiny could not believe her luck. If it really was luck. 




《12个圣诞日 12 Days of Christmas》

Now, you and I know that Christmas is in the winter, in December, the 25th of December to be exact. Mr Muddle on the other hand is not like you and I. He does not know when Christmas is. In fact Mr Muddle has never got it right. For instance, last year he gave Mr Lazy a football for Christmas … on the 25th of July. In the middle of the summer!

He can never get the right day or the right present for that matter. But Mr Muddle had a plan. A plan to make sure that this Christmas he would get the right day. 

是的,你和我都知道圣诞节是在冬天,在12月,准确地说,是在12月25 日。可是,糊涂先生和你我不一样。他不知道圣诞节是哪天。实际上,糊涂先生从来没把日子弄对过。比如,去年他送给懒惰先生一个足球作为圣诞礼物……那是在 7 月25 日,是在大夏天里!



《白色圣诞节 A White Christmas》

Father Christmas, as you might imagine, is very busy just before Christmas. And one of the jobs that keeps him busy is reading everyone’s Christmas letters.

Last year, he received a letter from a little boy in Australia who had a very special wish. He wished for a white Christmas.

Now, as you might or might not know, it is very hot at Christmas time in Australia. And because it is very hot at Christmas, it never snows.

“Hmm,” said Father Christmas to himself. “Now, who would be the best person to help me with this wish?”






《圣诞派对 The Christmas Party》

The Postman delivered a letter to Thimble Cottage. Do you know who lives there? Why, it’s Little Miss Shy. Although you’d hardly know because she is so shy you barely ever see her. The letter was an invitation from Mr Happy to his Christmas party.

Part of Little Miss Shy really wanted to go to the party, but part of her was too shy. She knew that she would walk into the party and blush and knowing that she was going pink would only make her turn even pinker. Just the thought of it made her blush!





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