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作  者:段云礼 等主编

出 版 社:对外经济贸易大学出版社


定  价:43.00

I S B N :9787566305268

所属分类: 教育学习  >  外语  >  大学英语    

标  签:大学英语  大学英语教材  外语  






Interpersonal Relations
Food and Life
Sports and Entertainment
Cultural Salon
Future Life


  The decision to "go Dutch" is usually made in advance in order to avoid any confusion when the bill arrives or the tickets are purchased. Under certain social and financial circumstances, the idea to "go Dutch" allows larger groups of friends or co-workers to enjoy a night on the town without the worry of one host footing the entire bill. During a romantic dating situation, however, the suggestion to "go Dutch" may not be as well received.
  Many people agree to "go Dutch" as a tactful way to level the financial playing field. One friend may feel uncomfortable with the idea of another friend in better financial shape always footing the bill. When two or more people agree to "go Dutch," each is free to spend within his or her personal entertainment budget. Even if one person can afford to order the most expensive item on the menu, the rest of the group is not obligated to spend outside their own limits.
  When it comes to social dating, however, the idea to "go Dutch" is not universally accepted. Traditionally, the person who invites a companion for dinner or other entertainment is obligated to pick up the entire tab. Modern dating etiquette now allows women to assume the same role as men when it comes to financing a date, but there is still a clear division between the inviter and the invited. Some couples, however, are very comfortable with the decision to "go Dutch," especially during early casual dates. By agreeing on a Dutch date, neither party feels obligated or indebted romantically to the other party for picking up the entire bill.
  The origin of the phrase "go Dutch" or "Dutch treat" can be traced back to a time when England and the Netherlands fought constantly over trade routes and political boundaries during the 17th century. The British used the term "Dutch" in a number or derogatory or demeaning ways, including "Dutch courage" (bravery through alcohol) and "Dutch treat", which was actually no treat at all. The Dutch were said to be very stingy with their wealth, almost miserly, so the British used the word "Dutch" informally to imply all sorts of negative behaviors.
  While many of these derogatory Dutch references fell out of common usage, Americans did retain the idea of a "Dutch treat" when a number of German (Deutsch) immigrants arrived. A corruption of Deutsch led to the designation of German immigrants living in Pennsylvania as "Pennsylvanian Dutch". Even though the original British slur was against the actual Dutch, some Americans perpetuated the negative connotation of "Dutch treat" .

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