 您现在的位置:Fun书 > 文化视野下的大学英语学习(第二版)


作  者:林淑蓉 主编

出 版 社:厦门大学出版社


定  价:26.00

I S B N :9787561538791

所属分类: 教育学习  >  教材  >  研究生/本科/专科教材    

标  签:公共课  教材  研究生/本科/专科教材  






1 Geographical Overview
    1.1 Geographical Overview概述
    1.2 Top 10 Most Visited Places in the U.S.美国十大旅游胜地
    1.3 Distinctive Cities各具特色的城市
2 NationaI Character
    2.1 The Success of America,S Most Awesome“Nail
    2.2 Individual Freedom Is Highly Valued高度崇尚自庄
    2.3 We Are Comfortable with Changes我们乐于改变
    2.4 Making Money Is Superior to Inheriting It自力更生强过不劳而获
    2.5 The“American Tragedy”Is Still On“悲剧”仍未落幕
    2.6 Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say直言不讳,心口如一
3 Government and Its Citize
    3.1 The U.S.Congress美国国会
    3.2 American President美国总统
    3.3 The Judicial System司法体制
    3.4 Wate卜Gate A仟air—A Test for Checks and
    3.5 Citizehip: Its Obligatio and Privileges公民权利与义务
4 Ed ucationa l System
    4.1 Growing and Learning in Preschool Programs成长始于学前教育
    4.2 Elementary and Secondary Education中小学教育
    4.3 Higher Education in the U.S.美国的大学教育
5 Economy and Communication
    5.1 How Does a Golden State in America Run Short on
    S.2 Where Does the Money Go?钱都花在了什么地方?
    5.3 Save for the Future?会为将来储蓄吗?
    5.4 American Currency美国货币
    5.5 The Cashless Society无币化社会
    S.6 Two Things You Can't Avoid--Death and TAX两件事不可避免——死亡和纳税
    5.7 High—Tech Communicatio高科技通讯手段
6 Leisure—Time Activities
    6.1 TV电视
    6.2 Movie电影
    6.3 Sport Activities体育运动
    6.4 Shopping in America在美国购物
    6.5 Reading Is an Important Way of Spending Leisu re
    6.6 Various Parties宴会大集合
7 Marriage and Family Life
    7.1 Who Are You Going to Marry?你的择偶观是怎样的?
    7.2 Ready to Get Married?准备好结婚了吗?
    7.3 Family Relatiohip: Obligation or
8 Manne and Etiquettes
    8.1 Invitatio and Giving Presents邀请与送礼
    8.2 Compliments,Thanks and Apologies赞扬,道谢与致歉
    8.3 Minutia in Public Places公众场合,注意小节
    8.4 Privacy隐私
    8.5 Taboos and Euphemisms禁忌语与委婉语
    8.6 Etiquette in Eating餐饮礼仪
9 Daily Coumption
    9.1 Food食品
    9.2 Beverages饮料
    9.3 Rent VS Buy: Which Is More Cost-Efficient租房与买房:哪个更划算
    9.4 Eclectic Dress不拘—格的着装风格
    9.5 Mea of Traportation交通方式
10 Major Religio
    10.1 Christianity基督教
    10.2 Judaism犹太教
    10.3 Islam伊斯兰教
    10.4 Buddhism佛教
    10.5 Religion and Government宗教与政府
11 Cultural Symbols
    11.i The Statue of Liberty_-A Gift to All
    11.2 Hollywood: American Itrument of Cultural
    II.3 The Sta and the Stripes星条旗
    11.4 National Anthem: The Star Spangled Banner美国国歌:星条旗永不落
    11.5 The Brave and Free Bald Eagle勇敢自由的秃头鹰
    11.6 Residence of the U.S.President--The White House总统官邸——白宫
12 Major Festivals
    12.1 The Winter Holiday Season冬日里的节日
    12.2 Patriotic Festivals in America美国的爱国节日
    12.3 Religious Holidays宗教节日
    12.4 Holidays for Expressing Love表达爱意的节日
    12.5 Holidays for Fun节日里边找乐子
Keys to Excecises


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页  数:222

开  本:16开

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